Magdalena Kobieracka has education in architectural conservation and in technical plastic art. She graduated from „Studio Sztuki” specialization space creator. She is the founder and owner of atelier Format, initiator of „Fundacja Pogotowie Artytystyczne” (Art Rescue Service Foundation) and one of the initiators of the informal group „Artyści na Swoim” (Artists Own Place)
Magdalena specializes in creating dynamic, abstract, highly contrasted compositions using her own unique technique. She creates reverse glass painting with acryl and elements of sgraffito. Her works characterize with firm strokes of brushes and spatulas.
Painter sensitivity is the center of her professional live both when teaching children and managing foundation „Pogotowie Artystyczne”. She gives the sick and socially excluded children an opportunity to have contact with art, to create and selfrealize, this way helping them manage the stress of being severely sick and hospitalized.
The glass is known in the art tradition for centuries. This medium symbolically invites to world of pure abstraction created in isolation from any meaning and rejection of any objective.
The paintings are created from unreal forms builded repatative configurations. The aim is to define pure energy. Just like glass does not have any structure, the painting’s of Magdalena Kobierecka are created as one time artistic acts by freely composing the pure forms found as light, colour and drawing.
Some of her works are dynamic and spontanous, in others have feeling of soft vibriting or spinning movement. There are also more static works, consisting of elements suspended in the space with more systematic composition. Her creation is like human emotions, they arise similarly and are as diverse.
The final effect Magdalena atteines with small amounts of colour glazes locally infiltrating each other. The supreme aim of her artistic exploration is to express the inner glow which adds the energetic fealings but also harmony of techniques.
Defining painting this way, the author invented her own technique consising of applying several layers of paint as they dry, selected as in sgraffiti. There two aspects in one creation: the painting act (applying) and the sculpting act (choosing). Before the act there only exist an idea, the creation is done all at the time without any space for error correction as in traditional painting techniques. The result are very unique, unreapeatable.